Good Enough

What if we’re all good enough?
What if we don’t need to try to be “better versions of ourselves?”
What if we meet ourselves exactly where we are and say:
“You’re good babe, just be.”

I don’t say to my house plant:
“You gotta grow more, bigger, greener!”
I just let the plant do its thing and admire its loveliness.

So let’s be like the houseplant.
We’re fine As Is.

We don’t need a poetry-self-help book written by someone who has never gone to therapy.
We don’t need to use a cleanser, followed by a toner, followed by a serum, followed by an essence, followed by a face oil, followed by a cream, followed by a mist.
Our skin is fine.

Enough already.

No more processing emotions 24/7.
No more worrying about whether everything we do is a fucking trauma response or if we’re co-dependent.
No more trying to evolve into a shinier version of ourselves.

Ca suffit.

This is not giving up, it’s giving in.
Giving in to just being.
Giving in to living without trying so hard.

One day ~ maybe soon, maybe later ~ you’ll be dead.
But right now you’re living, so live.
No more striving.
You’re enough.
Just live.

Harriet Hall wearing Molly Goddard. Photo by Lisa Jane Photography, British Vogue 2020.